clu–clever leaflet usage – 2019 with @Anna Biesinger
Conception, Application Design, Package Design
Several problems can occur when taking medications. The package insert has a lot of information, so users are easily overwhelmed to filter the important information. Due to the small font on the analog sheet, readability is often not guaranteed. Another problem can be mis-taking of medication, which can cause interactions between different medications.
Through interviews with users who take medications, the requirements were identified. During the concept phase, several design methods helped in the implementation of ideas to create a result that reflects the needs of the users. The focus is on a clear structuring of the contents, as well as the warning of alternations and side effects when taking medication. With the possibility of personalization, the contents of the package leaflet are adapted to the user and only the relevant information is shown. Warnings help users to protect themselves from possible misuse of medications.
The user can scan his medication. After answering some personal questions, clu can create a profile of the user and display relevant information of the package leaflet. The icons and images make the individual points understandable and more comprehensible for the user.
In addition to the application, a redesign for the packaging was implemented. The new opening option and the clear structuring on the back of the package allow pharmacists and doctors to pass on information to patients in a simplified manner. The color coding indicates the difference between prescription and non-prescription medications.
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